Post by Peridot on Apr 21, 2016 15:13:29 GMT
Make sure to include the fandom in the title (HS, PS, SU, GF etc, or the full name if it fits) Discussing rps, rules, members etc is to be done in the OOC forum If you can't format your forum posts to distinguish your character, add (character name) at the start of your post. Formatting guide and resources:Homestuck character text color masterlistBeta troll quirk converter and all character quirk converter[font color="#color number here"]text here[/font] Is the code to change the color of your text, for example.[div align="center"]text here[/div] To center text (like this entire thread) [div align="left"]text here[/div] Align text left [div align="right"]text here[/div] Align text right [a href="http://yourlinkhere"]text here[/a] To create a link[img src="http://imagelink here" alt="text here"] [b]text here[/b] Bold[u]text here[/u] Underline[i]text here[/i] Itallics[s]text here[/s] Strikethrough[sup]text here[/sup] Super text[sub]text here[/sub] Subscript[quote]text here[/quote]